Effective communication skills lie at the heart of your personal and business success. See how my epiphany in Australia can benefit you.
Comments and reviews can be really powerful
Your business depends on the comments and reviews of your clients and customers. We consumers wield so much more power than ever before. See what you can do to harness that power.
It’s time for me to “do or not do, there is no try”
2016 will be my best year ever. I realise I have to do or not do. Find out about the commitments I am making and the content I will be writing about right here. I also have some exciting announcements about new ways to discover my content coming in 2016.
This is your chance to help me refine my voice
There is no shame in asking for help. I am trying to refine my voice here on the blog and would love your help. Here’s how…
Top 3 Customer Experience predictions for 2016
What will change in the world of customer experience (cx) in 2016? Here are my top 3 predictions. They might well surprise you.
5 top tips for buying your first home
It’s so hard to get on the property ladder. Here are 5 top tips for buying your first home based on my recent experience.
TalkTalk cyber-attacks – The customer experience angle
The recent cyber-attack on TalkTalk raises customer experience questions and challenges affecting us all. This is my take on the situation.
Recruit for attitude and train the skills – every time
Here are 5 ways you can recruit for attitude as you grow your team. You can train the skills on the job, but how do you recruit for attitude?
Accessibility – Reconnecting Strangers on a Train
An inspiring story about accessibility and the 2012 Olympic legacy. It started over two years ago and culminated in a random meeting on a train.
3 things you can do right now to move forward in life
Listening to Nigel Risner I was inspired to share how to take action to move forward in life.