Try my ZEN healthy body formula. It’s simple, easy and accessible to you.
5 Reasons Why You Need A Hobby
5 reasons why you should pursue a hobby. All begin with the ‘M’.
Try a mindfulness retreat
Heard of mindfulness? Tried a mindfulness retreat? It’s recommended.
So do I need a responsive website
Do you need a responsive website? Why? What can I do about it?
7 ‘A’s of Responsiveness
Responsiveness is critical to the success of your business. Keep customers happy & win new business. Don’t drag your feet. Follow my 7 As of Responsiveness.
Just keep going
How do you respond when the going gets tough? Here are 5 steps to removing that blockage so you can just keep going.
20 reasons to write stuff down
Do you write stuff down like the steps involved in menial and repeated tasks you carry out in your business? If you answered “no” then you need to read this.
Today’s ‘C’ is for continuity
Today’s word of the day is continuity. This is all about making the customer experience work in a joined up way across customer channels.
Consistency is key
Consistency is the watchword in customer experience. Every person in your business should deliver a similar experience to your customers.
Delegate and empower people
Delegate and empower people. That’s one key ingredient to enable you to work ‘on’ your business rather than ‘in’ your business. It’s also a great way to get the best out of your people.