Being ‘in the room’ with Nigel Risner Sunday was such a refreshing experience.
So often you know you need to do something, but you hold yourself back – the key point there is, you hold YOURSELF back.
You see, Nigel was talking to a group of professional speakers about IMPACT.
I took away a number of key points from the session that were resonated with me – I wonder whether they say anything to you?
- Get on with it – Nigel says, take lots of action. What it boils down to is getting off your butt, turning off the inner dialogue and just flaming doing it
- Stop making excuses – problems only exist in your head anyway, so just take a moment to let that sink in next time you find yourself making excuses
- Commit – I’m presently reading Malcolm Gladwell’s Blink and am starting to realise how much more I need to listen to my gut instinct.
And here’s the thing – are you listening to your gut instinct or are you making excuses for not taking action?
I’d love to hear what you think. Take a minute – seriously – and answer this question: ‘What’s stopping me?’