Honesty truly is alive and well in Central London. What happened after I picked up a voicemail from a stranger on my phone today has restored my faith in people in the Capital. There I was sitting in the office interviewing a candidate this morning when my phone buzzed on the desk. A number I […]
How (often) to solicit feedback?
The other morning, whilst queueing for my coffee at my local Caffe Nero, (other coffee companies are available {but they’re not as good}), I found myself listening to the conversation going on behind the counter between the team members serving us. “Now remember, 2 feedbacks each of you per shift please!”. This was swiftly followed […]
Responding to feedback
Well, today has been an object lesson in practicing what I preach when it comes to customer experience. Whilst I was initially really pleased with myself Sunday evening that I’d managed to launch my brand new website, there were a few things that bothered me, so I sent an email to a number of friends […]