There it is again. That nagging feeling that I’m not on the right path. That sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach telling me there’s something more I’m meant to be doing with my life. But what is it?
Don’t get me wrong, I love the work I do. But deep down I feel I could be doing so much more with my life.
Perhaps you know what I mean? What is your life purpose? Do you know? Do you think I’m having a mid-life crisis a bit early? Or can you relate to what I’m going through?
[Tweet “What is your life purpose? Do you know? #lifepurpose #findyourwhy”]
When was the last time you asked yourself: “Where am I going in my life? Why am I here?” And what happened? How did the situation resolve itself? Are you happier now? Is your life more fulfilling? I’m curious.
How long should I wait for the epiphany?
This isn’t the first time I’ve had this feeling? More than once I have waited for the thunderbolt to strike me. Waited for the epiphany. It hasn’t come yet. And now at 42 that’s really starting to frustrate me.
Back in 2008, my best friend died suddenly. Many of us lost a dear friend, I lost my confidant too. That knocked me for six and I’ve come to realise over the years just how important having someone like that in your life is.
You see, I’m the kind of person who needs an outlet. That’s why I’m a public speaker. You get the best out of me when you put me in a room with smart people and a problem to solve. When I have a chance to talk things through. Bounce ideas around. Find creative solutions to issues when others think there’s no way out.
When I lost the one person who knew most about me in my adult life, I also lost the person who helped me figure out who I am. Trish doesn’t want to hear about my worries ALL the time. She’s got her own challenges – least of which is living with me 😉
As you may have seen, I’ve decided 2016 is going to be my best year ever! I’m resolved to sorting this out. Perhaps it will come to me in a dream. Or maybe right in the middle of an important meeting. Or maybe when I’m in the shower under the freezing cold water. Who knows?
Are you an “away from” or “towards” person?
Mindset has everything to do with how this situation resolves itself. Are you glass half full or half empty person? Do you tend to move away from things out of fear or worry or are you forever moving towards the next thing, the next achievement, promotion, holiday or goal?
[Tweet “Are you an “away from” or “towards” person? #mindset #success”]
I’m in the former camp, but I am resolved to alter that. I find writing these posts and the reaction I receive helps enormously. It’s therapeutic in some way.
And therein lies the secret. Your mental state governs everything. It determines how you look at life. It governs whether you move forward or backward. And it also determines how successful you will be in your endeavours when you do start them.
During the past 12 months or so, I have come to properly understand you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to. So I know in my heart, once I AM clear on my purpose, my why, my calling – whatever you choose to call it, I will succeed.
Seeking inspiration from the big boys
As I gathered my thoughts to write this post, I went looking for motivational videos on YouTube.
Amongst the ones I watched was a compilation of soundbites from Jim Carey’s speeches. He’s a superb orator. One of them goes something like this: “Eyes are not just viewers, they are projectors too… they are rewriting every scene, fear is writing that script… saying something like I will never be enough.”
Of course, it’s within your power to determine what the script says. And so I’ve reached that point in my life where, “it’s my turn!” It’s my turn to stand and deliver and to serve other people.
I just need to identify what people need that I can offer. Recruiters used to have a hell of a job with me as I don’t like being pigeon-holed. But as I’ve come to understand, listening to many an entrepreneur on the EOFire podcast, the riches lie in the niches.
I need to F.O.C.U.S. and go “one inch wide and one mile deep” in an area that I am passionate about. So passionate I will move mountains to deliver on my potential and on my deeply-held passion for helping people.
[Tweet “F.O.C.U.S. – follow one course until success #success #growthhacking #focus”]
So I’m putting it out there. I’m asking you to share your experiences. And perhaps to share your needs. What is it you think of when you read my posts? Where do you want to go next? What is it you think I offer that no one-else does?
Final word
Alternatively, I could just have a word with myself instead and heed the advice of someone I admire, Gary Veynerchuk, who eloquently states: “who gives a shit, just EXECUTE!”
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